Shallow seeking - to evolve the beauty When they're singing - evaluating business Names engraving - to get the feeling of an ethic sensation It's only love if you can see all the signs! Je suis Charlie you fucker? No you're not! Oh, social tranquillizer - calm us down RAID EVERYBODY - the one and only as an icon FIXED TO THE CROSS - praise our leaders! RAID EVERYBODY - FIXED TO THE CROSS RAID EVERYBODY - FIXED TO THE CROSS Social media is our mass... New relations ache - while the public porn Becomes sacred - only if everyone can watch I can be happy - you are a peeper as an icon fixed Obedient to commercials - we buy! The one and only icon - is me! RAID EVERYBODY - FIXED TO THE CROSS RAID EVERYBODY - the one and only as an icon FIXED TO THE CROSS - up to the ceiling! RAID EVERYBODY ...and economy is our god! Push your face into wealth - it keeps serene! You are a soft consumer - you have to show off The one and only icon - is me!