As I continue to go to Bible classes It became clear and clear to me That even if I did everything to be good I still wouldn't make it to heaven Have you heard people say That they are sure to make it Because they go to church every day They give a lot to charities And they don't have enemies And they go on and on with all their good works The truth is, without true repentance And without a personal relationship with Christ All the good that we do would be nothing to God Because the Bible says That if our good works could get us to heaven Christ died for nothing The Bible is very clear in Ephesians 2:8-9 That it is by grace you have been saved Through faith and this is not from yourselves It is a gift of God Not by works so that no one can boast Grace means unmerited favor You didn't have to do anything My friends, salvation is a gift An amazing gift Jesus paid for all our sins on the cross Yes, it had to take someone perfect Like Jesus to be the ultimate sacrifice The one and only beloved Son of God Came down from heaven That we may have life And have it to the full