This time Is better than the last time Don't think about the next time Just think about now You know The only way that we grow Is when we let the world know It's all about love If ever this world Could use a little lovin' It's right about now Let's turn it into something Happy holidays to you Happy holidays my friends Peace love joy and merriment Raise your glass to one and all For it's Christmas time again This time When we see the stars shine When we hear the bells chime The best is yet to come So this year Don't think about what you fear Instead say happy New Year And fill the world with love Happy holidays my friends Peace love joy and merriment Raise your glass to one and all For it's Christmas time again If ever this world Could use a little lovin' It's right about now Let's turn it into something Happy holidays to you Happy holidays my friends Peace love joy and merriment Raise your glass to one and all For it's Christmas time again