It's been in silence and subtle Our growth and inspiration As we always patiently await The signs for our... for our direction Our time spent searching Our eyes opening Slow down to your own pace (Leave the race) Slow down to your own pace The more you make life a race The quicker you will lose The quicker you will lose As we always patiently await The signs for our... for our direction Our time spent searching Our eyes opening Our time spent searching Our eyes opening When the skies open up When the skies open up for you When the skies open up This is your time to fly To peak with you the sky and leave the rest behind This must be the time to which you Can allow yourself to pursue What has felt right since the very beginning This must be the time This must be the time One more time One more time One more As we always patiently await The signs for our... for our direction As we always patiently await The signs for our... for our direction