According to Webster's dictionary, 'ginormous' is a word now (Woo!) Wait, woo?? Ginormous?! Ginormous is a w(ord)---THAT is fuckdiculous! What kind of bullshititude is going on over at Webster's? He was a good child actor but as an adult, his dictionary is effing fucking stupid. Ginormous?! Ginormous shouldn't be a word, at most it should be a secret code phrase used exclusively by gynecologists I will act it out for you (clears throat) "Hey Bill, how was your last patient?" "GINORMOUS She was ginormous! I NEED OUT!" Intervention It was a shitty party But after they left, I got fucked up I fucken tore it up after they left (Mmm mm mmm uh mmhmmph). Toasty