Our disease Our disease Our disease Our disease Our disease Our disease Is scurvy, scurvy, scurvy Scur-, scurvy Which is a lack of vitamin C disease That occurs when your body gets no citrus It killed a bunch of old-timey sailors, argh Complications caused by scurvy may affect your teeth, your skin, your teeth, your blood cells teeth, and bones Among others Scurvy can be difficult to diagnose Because its symptoms often mimic those of other ailments The most distinctive sign of scurvy is a really bad case of gum disease Which occurs in many But not all, cases (Of scurvy), scurvy (scurvy) Scur-, scurvy Our disease Our disease Our disease Our disease Is Fasciolosis Fasciolosis Which is a condition caused by an infection from a parasitic flatworm It's a microscopic bug (it's a tiny little bug) Found in watercress my friends That's a slightly bitter green Which my father really loved A watercress fanatic He ate it by the bushel Oh, our disease will make your tummy burn like lava Also, my father had diarrhea Delia told me all about his diarrhea Shh! Daddy was in pain Agonizing pain His Hiney wasn't well Itchy and unwell People need to know what could be swarming inside their food So our disease is fasciolosis Fasciolosis And now we'll take that A Our disease Our disease Our disease Our disease Is, is my disease My disease Which is an incredibly rare genetic disorder In which several signs of aging are manifested at a very early age Some symptoms may include (uh oh) Wrinkled skin, stiff joins, hip dislocation (womp, womp) Atherosclerosis This was a terrible idea (macular degeneration) Hypertension (look how they're looking at me) Presbycusis Like I'm a slide, I'm a chart I'm a freak on display (cardiac issues) Exhibit A (and the general failure too) Well what about exhibit B? You wanna know what I see Your disease is a bad case of adolescence Accompanied by anxiety, peer pressure Bruised egos, and then over concerned about a science grade About football games About who's getting laid Who's got a zit Who's wearing what Who gives a shit Your disease is a tough one that's for sure Getting older is my affliction Getting older is your cure Getting older is your cure But for me there is no cure Few people with my disease live longer than 16 years And, I just turned 16! So, happy birthday, my disease Oh, my-my-my, oh my disease An incredibly rare, genetic hatcha disorder, pew