Faded hope and grim despair on the day of the murdered king Foolish minds and unbelief could not grasp what the prophets sing: Did not Jesus have to suffer, enter glory through agony? When the King unpacked his Word: Their hearts leapt and their eyes could see. Everything the Scriptures say in the Prophets, the Law, the Psalms, The Messiah had to suffer, had to rise on the first Lord's Day; We proclaim to every land true forgiveness in Jesus' name. We were deaf but now we hear Scripture's voice both in type and word. Unbelief that had us chained has become in our eyes absurd. Did our hearts not burn within us as he spoke with us on the way And our hearts still burn with fire as his Word speaks to us today. Did our hearts not burn within us as he spoke with us on the way And our hearts still burn with fire as his Word speaks to us today.