We're driving down M-22 and I don't know lot but I know that I love you And I can't wait to get to where we're going That little town that I know nothing about But you said that you've there and you go when you feel down Cause it's a colorful little world of its own And I rest my head on the window sill Half asleep until right up until we arrive in Northport On the way back down we stop by a house They're selling shit so we decided to browse of all the vintage clothes We don't find anything that its worth buy But on our way out we see a pile of old CDs with a sign that says they're free So I grab a few and went back to you And in your car we turn up the tunes To those old songs we've never heard before And everything goes wrong When you get a call from your mom I don't know what she says But your face is filled with dread I asked you if you wanna talk about it but you say "no" And I understand you wanna be left alone, so I rest my head on the window sill Silence all the way until we get back home from Northport