Two chiefs vie for the pleasure of gain When their boy hits you right in the face They try to buy you off say its for the good of man Don't even try to see if I'll play the same game I'll give you all I got; I'll give you all you want You won't want no more when I get through with you Dance, dance, dance for change and the same old same old You don't realize that we're in the same boat Tell no truth but don't lie step on me to sit upon high But you wont be living out those dreams When you're trying to make me a slave I'll give you all I got; I'll give you all you want I'll give you all you want from me All this worshipping, are you set to maintain? Hell no I ain't going down to my knees Oh so smooth always in my ear How the futures gonna save me in time You slip between the raindrops dancing like a king But I ain't gonna let you stay dry I'll give you all I got; I'll give you all you want I'll give you all you want from me Hell no I ain't going down to my knees