It shouldn't be possible for a razor wire fence to look beautiful But from the outside beneath the moonlit sky And the falling snow it almost glows like tinsel And I imagine a pair of hands decorating A tree the last Christmas they were free. On the inside the guards look me over like a poorly delivered joke I'm walked into a room where there are Ninety-eight men - two of them are white. There is a microphone standing like hope. I get nervous for poetry readings in hippy filled coffee shops. This is not a low security prison. My butterflies have become suicide bombers Crashing to the walls of my gut. Yes, I am searching your eyes for Jeffery Dahmer Searching your face for blood red crime It's what white people do. We look for weapons of mass destruction In the Garden of Eden Or we cuff you to the trunk of the same Trees your ancestors were hung from. The land of the free has replaced Its plantations with penitentiaries And I am trying to comprehend How Abu Ghraib ever made the news When there's a slave ship in every Ghetto from Manhatten to LA And you can hear the chain links of Shackles on any playground Where the chain links of swing sets Are being budget cut down With little children still swinging Through the air feet aiming towards the clouds. He wants to be a doctor, an artist, a teacher I can't imagine how it feels to be his mother In a nation that will hover above his head Like a sniper till it kills off every single dream In a nation that prides itself on the room Its made at the front of the bus While filling prison bound buses every hour in every city In a nation that thrives on prison labor Like Alabama thrived on cotton. Yeah, Victoria's Secret is a hundred percent cotton. So is IBM, Motorola, Chevron, Revlon, TWA, Eddie Bauer, Boeing, Microsoft, K-Mart, JC Penney's, and McDonald's. Six Billion Served are served by the myth that our flag Is no longer sown from a white sheet. That Wall Street doesn't drag bodies down its center The same way Good Ole Boys in Jasper, Texas tied James Byrd Jr. To the back of a truck. Our system is served by truth being locked up in a Senator's safe. That truth being crime and poverty are Crucial to the survival of any capitalist state, And our economy thrives everytime a chain link On a school ground swing set breaks, Sends a child hurling towards the street Feet once aiming towards the clouds Now bound and shackled, sentenced to the opposite of life. There are nine million people incarcerated in the entire world, Two million of those people are incarcerated in the United States America, is your rib cage a prison cell your heart cannot escape? Is razor wire on Christmas morning the anthem you want to sing to your future? Of the ninety-eight men in this room, There isn't one who is claiming to be an angel. But we all have shoulder blades that would Sharpen like switchblades if our wings were ripped off, If our lives were being ripped off. The sky knows justice and genocide Are not words you can use in the same sentence. Children are born with their chests full of birds.