Change There's nothing permanent except - change Change can be disruptive Change can force itself on you Change can shout "There's no back to normal" Change is powerful, it's like an itch on your skin Change is: Alchemists were searching for longevity And accidentally invented gunpowder How much change can I take - Have we changed? What is at stake? Change is new rule, becomes old rule becomes new rule becomes Chaotic! Now if you don't change, change still happens With every baby born, with every hair getting grey Change? Migrating over borders is change. Borders that migrate is change Systems will change. And you stay, the world around you changes New tech becomes old tech becomes new tech becomes Fearful change, hopeful change Change demanding again: "There's no back to normal" Change begging you for action, Change asking us to question our habits, to no longer look aside Change - can it be a chance?