Once in a while when I daydream I think about people who aren't thinking of me Time ripped us apart and sent us our own ways Now I am stuck with only the memories And a strong desire for my past to be forgotten Some people affect us so strongly that they Leave an impression that's much to hard to erase And we want to escape from our own thoughts that make Us conjure up the times we've tried to bury away It's these feelings we hate They result in the pain That is too much for a single person to bare So I'll do what I can but I don't think I'll stay As you can probably guess I'm dealing with a few things How long 'til I can leave This stupid state of being? I feel like I hate everything I wish it'd go away I'm still looking for a solution Something that would make a change But no matter what I try it won't leave Someone please come fix me I'm not trying to live my life this way Constantly too afraid That I'm not strong enough to deal with pain From the wounds that despite attempts never seem to heal And over time I pick at them I really wish I'd just forget But as it stands they're all still there The constant cause of my despair