I look at you, you look at me] What do you see, a man or an interior being Five hundred years oppression Lives on 'til this day A fear of misunderstanding Divides us in every way Can't understand, the way we live The way we talk The way we think We're all the same Understandment destroys ignorance Please understand, the way we live Please understand, the way we talk Please understand, the way we think Please understand, we're all the same 30 years ago, one man had a dream A dream that all man, they lived equally One day they shot him down in the streets One man who dreamed of peace Understandment destroys ignorance Fighting, blood fighting for rights and oppression lives to kill And division forms the lines that separate by violent hands Brought to your world against our will On lands that others have sown Born, bred, and raised as slaves On our backs these lands have grown