If you ever finish college You'll have lots of knowledge You can use to social benefit, You'll make a lot of money, Never talk to me Why not try right now? If you drive yourself to be successful You could find it stressful, Break out in a rash You shouldn't scratch it in a meeting With your supervisor Why not try right now? That's how it will be - You won't have time for me By next Friday you will be a robot Who will work and work And never lie around relaxing Drinking tea and watching MTV Why not try right now? Bye and bye manana We will die na na na Never taste the sweet pie In the sky blah blah blah We should try before we say goodbye Wah Wah Wah Why not try right now? That's how it will be - You won't have time for me There's no future in my fantasy of how it's gonna be so why not right now?