Sometimes it's easier to jump to conclusions Than walk across the street It's like I'd rather fill the blank with illusions Than take the time to see You are trying to close the backdoor of your car You are balancing the groceries and a baby in your arms You are more than just a sign in your front yard You are my neighbour I can get so lost in the mission Of defending what I think I've been surfing on a sea of opinions But just behind the screen You are grateful that the work day's finally done You are stuck in miles of traffic, looking at your phone You're trying to feel a little less alone You're my neighbour When the chasm between us feels so wide That it's hard to imagine the other side But we don't have to see things eye to eye For me to love you like you are my neighbor My neighbor Oh, to fear the unfamiliar Is the easy way to go But I believe we are connected More than we might ever know There's a light that shines on both the rich and poor Looks beyond where we came from and who we voted for 'Till I can't see a stranger anymore I see my neighbor May my heart be an open door to my neighbor You are my neighbor