I'm only a man All my life I've been told to never fear anything but God Himself, But I've read too many stories And seen too many tragedies unfold before my eyes And everytime the weight of everything comes crashing down I get scared, I run and hide I'm nowhere in sight. Yeshua I am miles and mountains away from being found. God almighty, why must these things intimidate me? Why must these things be bigger than me? I want to say I'm a man, stronger than the rest, But in my heart I'm still a child, I know I am. I jump at thunder and get scared of lightning. Earthly things take their toll on me and I let it. I have many mountains in my life that need to be moved. God will you be my mountain mover? Giants mean nothing to me And mountains; they mean nothing to me. I'm no longer afraid I no longer fear bad guys, monsters, spiders and thieves; Gunshots, car wrecks, bomb threats, and me I'm only a man.