Good evening Your welcome to another great moment in redneck history Henry Thompson was a struggling locksmith and a party time inventor He was working in his barn one cool November day when he discovered he had a rat problem Every day he would try too work but the Rats multiplied and it became unbearable He tried everything but nothing seemed to work Then it came to him one night in a dream He would just use the same concept As a bear trap just on a smaller scale So he took some spring out of a door lock And rigged up a trap system on a wooden board He cocked it and then he put a piece of Cheese on it before he went to bed that night And it worked like a charm so the next Few days he set traps all around his barn And within a week he doesn't have a rat problem anymore And we want to thank you Mr. Henry I Hate Rats Thompson for the world's first mouse trap This had been another great moment in redneck history (Boy Stop)