Hello darling It took me a long, long time to write this song for you You called me darling You held me in your arms And gave me so many things in such little time And it's so hard, 'cause now I wanna hold you close But there's just the empty air And it makes something in my gut sink like a stone Through the years, it has not been any clearer Why I'm still here, but there's a truth that draws you nearer That as we say goodbye, there's one saying hello darling to you (INSTRUMENTAL) That's just about it There's already too much to fit in these lines of your life So I'll just keep playing songs, keeping you and who you're with In my heart, on my mind After all, all these memories are just their moment's afterlife So, in honor of you, I'll offer every darling here some advice Through the years, it may not be any clearer But don't you fear, because Jesus is drawing nearer So as you say goodbye Oh, as you say goodbye Oh, as you say goodbye, He is saying hello darling to you To you To you