Im sick and tired of this dead end This lack of inspiration And dying desire What is it that Hinders me from reaching my goals Countless nights of coming up short are enough to convince anyone That maybe "this just isn't for me" With doubt encompassing my every thought My original intention becomes diluted Hidden away in the haze of my mind silently waiting for that spark of inspiration to unlock the potential i am sure I have But with each day that passes and no progress to be made How can I be very sure of anything My mind is a battlefield of paralleling thoughts each polar opposites and contradicting ideas A conglomerate mess that builds and builds Until I stop How can i be so naive Its amazing, is this truly me? We are given a spirit not of fear but one of power and self-control We are the the only ones who can stop ourselves from walking the path laid before us We can be our biggest enemy holding ourselves back from our true potential Despite our fear Despite our doubt Despite our surroundings The potential in all of us all is greater than we can imagine You have a purpose beyond your comprehension The inspiration I lacked was with me all along And though I lost hope in myself The hope of our creator had never faltered For he has great things planned And if you ever doubt yourself Just remember you were made in his image