Sick with rage and regret Negative peace Fatal scenes Replaying in his mind The 12th disciple The last apostle Poor devil Never saw it coming Useful idiot Played his role 30 pieces Doomed his soul The earth would Not cover his body The sea would Not swallow His corpse No steel could Cut him The flame would Not consume Low hanging fruit Of a poisoned tree Judas hung himself Judas hung himself It happened in the Field of clay Jesus caught and Pushed him off the shelf Bathed in burst Blood and bowels He swayed If Judas' betrayal Was predestined The story's hinged On cruelty manifested Manipulated into his deception The heel to blame The rube with no redemption Judas hung himself Judas hung himself In the old potter's Field of clay From the knotty branch He strangled as he danced In his burst blood And bowel he bathed Bathed in burst Blood and bowel he swayed Judas hung himself Judas hung himself In the potter's field his body stayed Three red worms rose From the rotten soil Into his entrails to lay their eggs