I know it seems i don't want to be affiliated with your enteties But thats wrong that tired old song of policies Don t speak for us all The bitching people make alot of noice Its hard to hear reason over cackeling voices But now, that tired old song it won't last to long It might allow you to sleep tho But when you wake up everyones a stranger Folks you might be scared of Some have never seen anyone like you Some are downright hostile But you might see me smiling But i am here to tell you It will be just fine Just give us time Just give us time And when you find the single in the static Like the famous needle in the famous haystack Here we are, this song of ours it will get out It speaks for us Its hard to say whos the common man But lately ive been thinking im a part of that gang yes i am But this song of ours it will get out Out on the streets now But when you wake up everyones a stranger Folks you might be scared of Some have never seen anyone like you Some are downright hostile But you might see me smiling I am here to tell you it will be just fine Just give us time Dododo Dododododo Dododododo Dodododo Dodododo And when you wake up everyones a stranger Folks you might be scared of Some have never seen anyone like you Some are downright hostile But you might see us smiling We are here to tell you it will be just fine Tho everyone is a stranger Folks you might be scared of Some have never seen anyone like you Some are downright hostile But you might see us smiling We are here to tell you it will be just fine Just give us time End