Wounded and hurt At loss for words Where are You now Lord? I thought You cared for me You said Yourself "I'm near to you" Well right now it feels like You couldn't be farther Lord take and make me into Someone with faith that will not fail I want to learn to trust You When I can't hear You I don't need the answer I don't need the answer I'm tired of trying To chase You down I could just give it up Would that be easier? You said Yourself "Seek and you'll find" So I'm gonna seek You more Than ever in my life Lord take and make me into Someone with faith that will not fail I want to learn to trust You When I can't see You I don't need the answer I don't need the answer When I don't understand I'll cling to Your hand I don't need the answer Answers won't save me In trusting You I'm free I believe Your promises My future's in Your hands I don't need the answer I don't need the answer When I don't understand I'll cling to Your hand I don't need the answer