In the city of New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood And then Spain New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood And then Spain In the city of New York On the beaches of New Port Hollywood and L.A Bollywood and then Spain Haiti and Ibiza Fly to Indonesia Iceland and Pompei Summer Sun an Pompei INSTRUMENTAL 1 In the city of New York On the beaches of New Port Hollywood and L.A Bollywood and then Spain Haiti and Ibiza Fly to Indonesia Iceland and Pompei Summer Sun an Pompei 1 New York Hollywood L.A. Bollywood 2 New York Hollywood L.A. Bollywood 1 New York 2 New York 3 New York 4 New York 5 New York 6 New York Where you go? NE-YO? INSTRUMENTAL 2 In the city of New York INSTRUMENTAL 3 New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood And then Spain New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood And then Spain New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood New York Hollywood L.A Bollywood In the city of New York INSTRUMENTAL 4 Where you go? NE-YO? In the city of New York On the beaches of New Port Hollywood and L.A Bollywood and then Spain Haiti and Ibiza Fly to Indonesia Iceland and Pompei Summer Sun an Pompei In the city of New York On the beaches of New Port Hollywood and L.A Bollywood and then Spain Haiti and Ibiza Fly to Indonesia Iceland and Pompei Summer Sun an Pompei