Note: Meth Labs n Moonshine! Gunpowder lead White powder fence Hillbilly off his meds cuz he silly in the head Thirty aught's cocked n its right beside the bed Welcome to West Virginia the home of the Walking Dead. Back yard boxin methadone saboxin Yeager bomb shots seem to be your nerotoxin demolition derby kickstands Oxycontin put your dukes up if you got a fuckin problem. Haymakers Uppercuts Somebody gone fall Hey big mouth you ain't standing too tall. Beef is on so I'm headed to the shed gonna grab my sling blade n fucking split your head White trash incorporated mini in the place I want a country girl I spit in the peoples face I ain't scared to say it these dudes are whack Fuck every white rapper that tries to act black Meth labs n moonshine Mini getting down start a riot in this bitch burn the mother fucker down Meth labs n moonshine time to raise hell so Fuck the police n start blazin on ya pounds Meth labs n moonshine hillbilly murder much love white boy keep drinking til you drown Meth labs n moonshine white trash rock the crowds country boys across the nation loving the south: Outlaws