(Hi, Nguyen, Hi, Sophie! Hi, Susan! We are going to summer camp! Yay! Yippee! I wonder what we should bring with us? Let's put our heads together and think Of a bunch of things. ll go first.) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack And that's it (Wait a minute. That can't be all What if I get thirsty? Water! That's right, water! Here we go) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water And that's it (Wait a second What if I get lonely? Lovies! Lovies! Good Here we go) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies And that's it (You know, sometimes when I'm out all day I get really hungry What should I bring? Snacks! Snacks! I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies Four fruit snacks And that's it (How about a toy? Sometimes they let you Bring toys Race cars! Good! Here we go I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies Four fruit snacks Five race cars And that's it (Wait, if we're out in the sun All day long, isn't there something We need? Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Good!) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies Four fruit snacks Five race cars Six bottles of sun screen And that's it (Wait, what if we go swimming? Bathing suits! Bathing suits! Here we go) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies Four fruit snacks Five race cars Six bottles of sun screen Seven bathing suits And that's it (How about How about those things We wear in front of our eyes Sunglasses! Sunglasses!) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies Four fruit snacks Five race cars Six bottles of sun screen Seven bathing suits Eight sunglasses And that's it (Marshmallows! What did you say? Marshmallows! Marshmallows? Oh, why not? Here we go) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies Four fruit snacks Five race cars Six bottles of sun screen Seven bathing suits Eight sunglasses Nine marshmallows And that's it (Flip flops! Oh, yeah Oh, you're so right I see what you're Pointing to Something for our feet Flip flops!) I'm goin' to summer camp And this is what I'm takin' Takin' one back pack Two bottles of water Three lovies Four fruit snacks Five race cars Six bottles of sun screen Seven bathing suits Eight sunglasses Nine marshmallows Ten pairs of flip flops And that's it (Did we forget anything? A puppy! Right!) And a puppy