Nineteen sixty-eight Listen for sounds that resonate Everything new is out-of-date It's coming down fast and I can't wait You're gonna be late You're gonna be late. Nineteen sixty-eight Nowhere on earth now to escape. Rock 'n' roll planet going ape Everyone's bent all out of shape You're gonna be late? Now, is it too late? Nineteen sixty-eight Now is it too late? Now, is it too late? Nineteen sixty-nine Is looming in the mists of time Nineteen seventy Is gonna be the death of me. Nineteen sixty-eight Getting high from the smoke grenades, Anarchists storm the barricades. Paris in flames and all hope fades. But is it too late? It's never too late. Nineteen sixty-six We're turning on and turning tricks Nineteen sixty-five We was on The Strip Getting swingers hip To the ride of our lives. Nineteen sixty-eight Motor City Five, Apollo 8 Rock 'n' Roll planet goin' ape It's coming down fast and I can't wait It's never too late. It's never too late. Nineteen sixty-eight