當我沉溺在自怨自艾 放棄拯救自己 心裡的負面妄為恣意 一面倒的攻擊 妳總是出現在對的時機 First light on the fifth day I know you will be there I know you will be there I'm a selfish loner 妳的手我太用力抓著 You've been hurt so many times 卻從來沒有離開 I'm a stupid liar 還誇口成為妳依賴呢 But after all this time 妳仍為我施了護法咒 溫柔的說 always 溫柔的說 always 溫柔的說 always 當我遺失夢想的勇氣 正當化了逃避 生命小波浪卻像浪襲 淹沒所有足跡 妳總是出現在對的時機 First light on the fifth day I know you will be there I know you will be there I'm a selfish loner 妳的手我太用力抓著 You've been hurt so many times 卻從來沒有離開 I'm a stupid liar 還誇口成為妳依賴呢 But after all this time 妳仍為我施了護法咒 溫柔的說 always 溫柔的說 always 溫柔的說 always Always Always love you