He was ashen faced and trembling As he stood there at the door He said "help, come quick please call the cops A guy's fallen from the 25th floor" And we ran out into the sunshine A crowd was gathering across the street And there behind the scaffolding We could see two twisted feet Well the crowd was not a large one But they were mumbling to themselves "My God" said one "how did it happen?" You know he didn't even scream as he fell It was a multi story construction And the lift begun to fall He'd tried to jump onto a landing But h e'd hit the building wall. And it was just another death in New York City Just another page for the cororners file His name was Edward something I looked it up in the Times, the New York times He had a wife and some children He was all of 35. And as we waited for the ambulance And the rescue squad to arrive There were two little kids getting all excited "Hey man he tried to fly"! He must have though he was superman This is just like a m, movie scene But the tears of his shaken work mates Weren't scripted for a movie screen. And a woman took out a camera And she shot the whole damn thing She took pictures of the body and the building She took pictures of anything She clicked at the rescue workets As they wrapped him in a canvas bag She took pictures of his weeping partner She took pictures of the US flag And after they had taken him I heard a woman say "Well that's why they get danger money You know they earn a heap of pay" But the thing I remember clearly And I'll hear it til the day I die Was two little kids getting all excited "HeyMan he tried to fly!"