Is this the last time? Is this the last adventure? We journeyed outward And we survived together I met you in Cierzo Where you lost your family home With nothing but our wits Through Aurai did we roam I would camp and you would hunt In the fight you took the brunt And I would hide and weave the magic spark To guide us safely through the dark Outward we went through Cherson'ese Tangled with our first dread enemies Beneath The 'Conflux's winding pass Through the sea of magic purple grass In the woods of 'Enmerkar Where the ancient resting spirits are To hunt in stealth as monsters prowl Necropolis and places foul Through Hallowed Marsh of poison breath Where mist reveals the scales of death The island city of Mon'soon Kept shrouded evil in the gloom As we ventured further out 'Abrassar the land of drought Scourge of Pestilential hives Scorched in death, we kept our lives ♪ To Cal'dera next we turned A land volcanic, charred and burned Old Sirocco wept in pity Stone on stone we built the city Journey in the caravan Antique Plateau and Harmattan The Coin of trade and scroll of lore We kept the ways of Sorobor Set your pack down by the fire We settle now as we desire A three year journey now is done Or has it only now begun?