The humble shall hear of it and be glad My soul only boast in the Lord He is the root and He is the branch My soul only boast in the Lord His is the sun, and His is the rain His is the fruit that I am to gain He is the Keeper and this is His land My soul only boast in the Lord The humble shall hear of it and be glad My soul only boast in the Lord He is the root and He is the branch My soul only boast in the Lord His is the sun, and His is the rain His is the fruit that I am to gain He is the Keeper and this is His land My soul only boast in the Lord So let us lift His name above all names Let us speak His wonders from the highest places The humble shall hear of it and be glad My soul only boast in the Lord He is the root and He is the branch My soul only boast in the Lord His is the sun, and His is the rain His is the fruit that I am to gain He is the Keeper and this is His land My soul only boast in the Lord So let us lift His name above all names Let us speak His wonders from the highest places Let us lift His name above all names Let us speak His wonders from the highest places The humble shall hear of it and be glad My soul only boast in the Lord He is the root and He is the branch My soul only boast in the Lord