Glory to the Father give God in whom we move and live His children's prayers He deigns to hear How their songs delight His ear O, glory to the Father give Glory to the Son we bring Christ our prophet, priest and king Oh children raise your sweetest strain To the Lamb for He was slain O, glory to the Son we bring Glory to the Father up above Glory to the Son who came for us Glory to the Spirit who dwells in those you love Glory to the Father, Spirit, Son Glory to the Holy Ghost Who reclaims the sinner lost His children's minds may He inspire Touch their tongues with holy fire O, glory to the Holy Ghost Glory in the highest be To the blessed Trinity For the Gospel from above For the word that God is love O, glory in the highest be Glory to the Father up above Glory to the Son who came for us Glory to the Spirit who dwells in those you love Glory to the Father, Spirit, Son Glory to the Father up above Glory to the Son who came for us Glory to the Spirit who dwells in those you love Glory to the Father, Spirit, Son Glory to the Father, Spirit, Son