I don't know what to do I've tried my best to contain the subject, but It just doesn't submit We've tried to uncover their true motive because I don't believe they desire to just... murder No, It just cannot be that senseless It... it just can't I I just keep telling myself that They turned against us With no clear reason One would say they've grown selfish They've used our resources against us, and And they keep chanting the same phrase, just (More, More, More, More) (More, More, More, More) (More, More, More, More) (More, More, More) More stitches I didn't want it to come to this, but I don't- I don't have any other choice I need to fight it back Even if it means I lose what little sense I have left (More, More, More, More) (More, More, More, More) (More, More, More, More) (More, More)