El VERDADERO TERORRISTA Y SUS ARMAS DE OPRESIÓN MASIVA Au d'astí contra o terror d'o poder. Au d'astí torturadors en a nueit. Au d'astí Fambre y multinacionals. Au d'astí Revuelta y rasmia contra l' Imperio Verdugos d la verdat. Au d'astí. Faixistas y melitars. Au d'astí. Estrinques y escureldat. Au d'astí. Para cuenta con o can Da-lis-ne a on lis fa mal. Da-lis-ne dica cayer. L' Imperio ye un viello can. Catirons que muerden. Que muerden casas rusiens. It is always the same Colonial games Corporate World Order We own your blood Oil in Iraq Lithium in Afghanistan Strip Mine, Occupy Fascist police go wild We know who you are We know where you live We know where you live Here come the drones Genocide and death Strip the jungle black Climate collapse Who are the terrorists now? After World War II One of the worst American presidents, Harry Truman, Made some of the worst mistakes Any President ever made. Dropping the nuclear bomb was first But maybe not even the worst What is Uncle Sam to do? What is Uncle Scam to do? Million soldiers out of work Great Depression must not come back All that bomb-making, Tank-making Gun-making Bonanza of money-making War economy's making s much cash We'll make it permanent Now that "democracy" has won Freedom must be replaced In '47 Truman cursed the world With the National Security State So fire up the cold war And launch the CIA Communists, Industrialists Use the threat of each other To stay in power Communist Anti-Communist Dictators all the same Triumph over fascist Hitler Supporting fascist Franco Then turn around and support Franco And Pinochet, Suharto Don't forget the Shah of Iran One big happy Eurozone But no independence for the Basques Soviet empire's gone So is Saddam Hussein Need new enemies for our guns + greed So now our own people must pay Fighters against austerity –Our new terrorist enemy Destroy the unions. We're running out of things to steal The Whole World must be like Texas The Whole World must be like China Billionaire Boys Club: the rest like slaves It's Feudalism again We've got the guns We've got the spies Money Addicts Like crack addicts Nothing is ever enough Nothing is ever enough Nothing is ever enough It's just a game to us Nothing is ever enough Nothing is ever enough Nothing is ever enough