You wanna talk about cocky, It's like Mohammed Ali, Tag-teamed with Rocky, The greatest of all time, A marques de riscal '49. But is he made up for the night? I'm untouchable, I am out of sight Cover the cuts with glitter, I am a qualified pro good time transmitter. In principle, I'm alright. In principle, I'm invincible. International worrier, Takes the world by storm, Takes the world by storm. I'm ten bears, I'm ten feet tall, Set the pins up I am the bowling ball, Only time will tell. As he's rattling the shutters of His private hell. Wake me up, when you're done Please keep soldiering on, 'Cause without you where would I be? Lost for words, Lost at sea. In principle, I'm alright. Out of principle I'm invincible. International worrier, Takes the world by storm, Takes the world by storm. Prepare the dissonance each night, As the ghosts of doubt Flicker in and flicker out Of the candle light, Smoke and mirrors mirror us, Your brain is full. Banks are over-flowing And there is no sign of slowing down. International worrier, Without you where would I be? Lost for words And lost at sea.