Blackbird in the night Backwards in the sky Flying through the night Spinning in the time Looking for a home Looking for a place Looking for a branch or a leaf or a trace Silent in the night Spiral out of sight Shooting through the sky Diving through the ice Blackbird in the night Way above the sea Piercing through the stars Find your way to me ♪ Coming up empty Surround my sound and nothing's left High def I'm ok with it I got nothing to say No place to be Other then right where I am I'm ok with it Coming up empty ♪ And I searched And dug deep Give up, just can't squeeze Chasing a feeling for all of these years Ascribing this meaning to make depth and dimension or Retire and ride out on my past inventions We been through a lot up on that mountaintop Some survived, some couldn't handle the pain Jumping off the train before you had a chance to hear the rain Fizzle on the windowsill Drizzle on the window pane Now you got that widow chill Now you got that widow pain More frigid than an icicle Colder than a winters day Riding on your bicycle All around BK ♪ Coming up empty Surround my sound And nothing's left High def I'm ok with it I got nothing to say No place to be Other then right where I am I'm ok with it Coming up empty ♪ Coming up empty ♪ Coming up empty ♪ Coming up empty