Why am I in this place torn asunder by blight? Shorn by the blades of inequity, drowned by darkness, Immersed in the turbid waters of negligence and forgetfulness? Question not why, but understand this simple truth: Shu yer borliq markazi, borliqning markazidir Bunga sabab barcha savollar qalbidadir Ask not why here and now But be in the here and now Ask not why here and now But be in the here and now Shu yer borliq markazi, borliqning Markazidir Bunga sabab barcha savollar qalbidadir "Nega",- deb savol bermagin Shu yerda va hozir bõl (Markazidir, Markazidir) "Nega",- deb savol bermagin Shu yerda va hozir bõl Muhiyat kalitin topish uchun Shu yer borliq markazi, borliqning markazidir Shu yer borliq markazi, borliqning markazidir