Gloomy spell Doomed to dwell inside this grueling, broody hell It has been a minute since we shared the shit we've truly felt Sometimes i'm convinced that our passion will absolutely fail Sometimes i think our relationship's beyond pursuing help Loosen up the knots we've tied is something i can't do myself So, despite my better judgment I will turn to you until we can both figure this out Cause all that i and you have built is worth the fight Even if it's mortifying, we'll prevail So, i ask a question And then i ask another question Without allowing you to first address the aforementioned Moving past the passive, and the half to mad aggressive Indirectly blaming you for all miscalculations See, i forget i'm not the only one alive Who struggles with their mental health, and wishes just to die The camel's back breaks, the love subsides You open up the top kitchen drawer and grab the I don't really know Where do we go at the end of the road Do we go on back Or do we pretend that everything is fine when we know that it ain't Okay, right You put my hand around the wound, say "hold it tight" While you panic search for dressings in our medical supplies I'm disoriented, feeling hollow as a poltergeist I'm getting cold My face is wet Your face is close to mine What just happened? What just almost happened? We were just a moment away from a terrible disaster And there's no going backwards this time No fixing what just shattered No laughter No happily forever after I don't really know Where do we go at the end of the road Do we go on back Or do we pretend that everything is fine when we know that it ain't