Universal law Universal attraction Not a substitute But a prerequisite to best action It's the dream That sleeps wide awake At the root of the solution The thought in the seed That blossoms into the tree of life Budding flowers and leaves of manifestation The reality of the situation? The current distraction First the thing moves from unseen to seen... Through the third eye of imagination Causing alchemical chain reactions and mystical bond formations... Laying firm foundations on invisible planes Moving trains of thought higher... Only pausing to pick up positive vibrations... Shaking doors open that once stood closed Divine hands turning, conducting and orchestrating... Synchronistic encounters, introductions, and revelations... Gratitude adds traction Belief spins the wheel that turns in your favor Never waver Keep your eyes on the prize A word to the wise? Focus on your goals Answer your soul's Calling... and always get up after falling Know that economies built on creation Create happiness, and isn't that what we're really searching for? Seek and ye shall find they say So I'll look in and find my way to... Acceptance It's time to see what we seek Right here in front of us Waiting for us to see To recognize To remember that Expectation turns the key... in the ignition that... Starts the engine that... drives us all safely... home Home sweet home So there I've said it in many ways This took many days Months and years for me to understand So now here I stand To speak the truth Speak the truth Speak the truth The law is a celebration of our life force The power of our attention Which at its core can be boiled down In the science of my mind Using the heat and fire of experience To one simple word... Love