Tonight's the night little mango seed You've been sitting in my sink For the last few days but Tonight's the night So many of your sisters and brothers Get tossed out into the darkness of plastic bags Taken out to dumpsters with garbage To pile up and accumulate in seas and landfills Where nothing can grow or flourish But tonight's the night I smuggle you out onto the soil To live or die free among other plants This is the fighting chance We all deserve Plants and animals and humans alike To grow and blossom I do hope you grow We need more trees... new trees Help replace the ones we cut down and Consume for paper and chairs and steps Yes I know... It would be great to replant trees in the Amazon But I'm not in the Amazon I'm here and I have this seed From this mango I ate Mango and watermelon and guinep and cashew apples and That patch of vegetation growing wild And free over there will do just fine Now There you go Even if you don't grow You'll break down and Help replenish the earth This earth that is so much in need of replenishing