Keep me away Keep me alone in the crowds Let the letters Pile up in front of my house I moved to the city Because this silence kills But the noise Is as bad as cold in the hills I've ran from defeat From my brothers I love To hell I fell straight from A place up above Make this very house A home I can bare The city's too loud For God to hear my prayers Keep me close Keep me close to my home Surrounded by people But still so alone I feel so abandoned In a place that I love Noise all around Yet there's silence above Wrap a dozen Sinkers round my neck for good care The weight of my past Still sustained in the air Wars upon wars Have laid scars upon scars History unchanged Like the sun and the stars The sleep of reason produces monsters in the night, They will not seize, you cannot fight. Lie awake in torment; till you are taken away The sleep of reason produces monsters in the night, They will not seize, you cannot fight. Lie awake in torment; till you are taken away