These days ... I stand a taller, I act a little smarter When I'm with you We stayed on a midnight train Dancing in the moonshine rain Well here I go again All them girls I knew before They gave it all but I wanted more Its a game I cannot play These days... Well I stand taller, I act a little smarter, when I'm with you Back in my day I drink till Sunday, I slept on Monday An' then I found you Well New Orleans will take its toll I left my soul when I left home and Thats just what a man, a what he's gotta do Yeeeaah an' all night long in wiskey Town beer me up cause I'm feelin down You know I'll steal this car and drive back home to you Whoa these days, I stand taller, I act a little smarter, when I'm with you Back in the day I drank till Sunday I slept on Monday, until I found you You can drive me crazy Time and time again Girl you always save me When I lose my head You always save me (drive me) save me ... These days... Well i stand taller, I act a little smarter when I'm with you Back in the day I drank till Sunday I slept on Monday until I found you Oh these days I stand taller I swear I'm smarter cause I'm with you Oh these days I stand taller I swear I'm smarter when I'm with you These days I stand taller, I know I'm smarter when I'm with you