Surrounded by those who you once trusted in All of them were willing to give their blood for you Lying on the cold ground sedated for the surgery For the removal of the entrails Enwrapped in gust You are suffocating Consciousness is blurring as the blade divides your flesh Nausea overwhelms as you gaze upon the gaping wound Slowly and dolorous the bowels are torn out Their warmth is scattered on your entire body To drown Suffocation Lashing out at you The mass is avenging Frantic carnage – ceaseless bludgeoning The gust entwined around Your face, your throat, your chest Pulmonic moratorium – laid to rest Gasping in aspiration Desperation in suffocation Enwrapped in gust Surrounded by those who you once trusted in All of them are now willing to witness How you are miserably perishing