I just want it. It's the meaning of my life. 絡みつく妄想 I would have got it, I can't take anymore いつしか僕は Even if you need yourself You don't know who you are So what do you want me? 手にしたのは まだ足りなくて Awake, You may as you please And be a slave to your desire It is all you want. 堕ちていく この声が枯れるまで 何度も叫んだ 壊れそうな想いを 抑えようとして 砕けた "Do you wanna get everything?" "Then, please pay for it." "Haven't been though enough?" Why did I go wrong? Even though I did it 求めてた答えは I'm ready now. I know I am. Let's do this. 止められぬまま Give me more! There is no hope that You will find it. Therefore what you does This look like now? 手にしたまま 朽ち果てていく OK,Get ready. Deal with it. Why do you keep reaching out to it? あと少し If you told me The truth that time, I might not crave anything now. 薄れゆく姿が 掻き消されぬように 刻む Even if you need yourself You don't know who you are What do you want me? I warned you, But you cannot stop. You'd regret if you refrained that Awake, you may as you please And be a slave to your desire It is all you want. Wake up! Right now! Now is the time. 本当は気付いてた 答えはもう無い 傷付いた心を 埋め合わせたくて 求めた この声が消えるまで 何度も叫ぶよ 届いて