Don't stop music, PEACE&LOVE Small scale, big chance Time will show! It simply can't be done Let's swipe up! 目開きよく聞け Fake it till you make it アンチテーゼな定型文 Question markの正解を 後付けばっか? Think and Feel It will hurt someone else A ti ti ti... What is flaming? Ta ta ta ta... Troll face What's so funny? 行け!上手くいかなくって ちょっとまって Don't judge me! Go Go Go Go! No No! Don't stop! 決めつけないで So many men, so many minds BANG! BANG! Enchanted! Ready? BANG! BANG! こうじゃなくちゃ!って安定剤 有罪?無罪? Who is it? そっぽ向いちゃって知らんぷり ため息ばっか Such a pain! A ti ti ti... What is flaming? Ta ta ta ta... Troll face The voice came closer and closer. 1.2.3. 幸せを数えて Scroll 更新アップデートに胸躍らせ そのお心にお届け Music Hope you like it Shall we smile? Everybody cheese! It's so simple but so difficult 行け!上手くいくまでって もうちょっとさぁ前に Go Go Go Go! No No! Don't stop! 決めつけないで So many men, so many minds BANG! BANG! Enchanted! Ready? BANG! BANG! 甘く苦く悩む いまだ出口は迷宮 もう人生ってこんなんじゃん? Slow down, Cool down 無意味でも意味があるの だからいいの Let's singing with you Fake it till, you make it Make it! Go! It's gonna go fine. I'm here for you! 行け!上手くいかなくって ちょっとまって Don't judge me! Go Go Go Go! No No! Don't stop! 決めつけないで So many men, so many minds BANG! BANG! Enchanted! Ready? BANG! BANG!