So, we're running out of battery So, we're running out of fuel I've got the strength to push this heap uphill So, we're running out of numbers So, our bills are turning red Just take my hand and walk with me instead Cause we all have cages And we all got baggage You lift up on your side, I will do the same And we will share the weight So, our castle needs some cleaning So, our royal table's bare We've got tonight, we've got this town to share So, we're running out of candles So, we're running out of glue Lucky for me I'm stuck on you Cause we all have cages And we all got baggage, so tell me something new I've been swimming for so long, living off the crustaceans I am weary weak and I need to get some sleep. I am weary weak, but one more to take the edge off of me Cause we all have cages And we all got baggage You lift up on your side, I will do the same And we will share the weight