Wake up, it's another day and I believe in you You've got my full support and I hope that you've got yours too Can you find a thing or two to ease you into the day You deserve a restful start to what may Be a self-loving day ♪ Feel today Find what works today Take a breath today Be yourself today Play today Spread some love today Take your time today Love yourself today Do not waste the morning on thoughts of feeling blue I'll let the morning paint your mind in a gentle pastel hue Fill up your lungs, take it slow Small steps into the sun That first rung on the ladder Mmm, the walk before the run Feel today Find what works today Take a breath today Be yourself today Play today Spread some love today Take your time today Love yourself today What will you do today? Are you excited? Or are you tired? That's ok too The world is yours today Live in it kindly We'll take in the sunrise Come stand beside me Feel today Find what works today Take a breath today Be yourself today Play today Spread some love today Take your time today Love yourself today When the day has ended I'll show you how you grew We'll weave these memories into song and then start the world anew Give me space to wonder and courage to explore How is it I feel younger than I did the day before Feel today Find what works today Take a breath today Be yourself today Play today Spread some love today Take your time today Love yourself today