By candlelight, the end of an evening A humble tradesman sweeping his floor Hears a ruckus outside his chambers Moments later burst through the door A squadron of the guard of the palace Armoured, armed, and seven feet tall "The king himself demands the attendance Of the glassmaker people call..." Jorge! The king is in a temper Jorge! Trembles before the throne "Jorge! My advisors have informed me that Jorge makes the finest glassware known" The lavishly appointed palace Lets the king display his grandeur One noble guest was most impressed Admiring his prized mirror "Oh, this is quite a striking article The ornate frame, the azure trim And the glass itself, well, almost matches One owned by the marquess of Turin" "Jorge! I cannot tolerate this" "Jorge! Your skill must be put to the test" "Jorge! Make me a greater mirror" "Jorge! That no-one else can best" Terrified of displeasing his ruler The glassmaker works every hour the day brings For month after month duly crafting a mirror Fit to be brought forth before the king The mirror is a breathtaking masterpiece The king is stunned but then lets out a moan "Why does my visage appear not so handsome As the portraits by all my court painters have shown?" "Jorge! Your mirror doth insult me" "Jorge! Remove it from my sight" "Jorge! Make another yet more faithful" "Jorge! Or pay forfeit with your life" The craftsman redoubles his efforts Working feverishly, he blows glass, pours metal And polishes the vitreous plane Pushing his art further than anyone has ever done Than anyone could comprehend To create the most profoundly Dangerously Perfect mirror He presents it to the court And watches nervously as the king reacts At first in surprise and then in horror As he sees in his face His heart His soul His cruel and jealous nature Even the future downfall of his kingdom Through his avarice and pride He staggers backwards But is unable to tear his eyes From the image of their own terrified stare The court gasps As the king draws his sword And lunges towards the mirror Does he mean to destroy it Or is he driven with some madness To strike at his own reflection? We can never know Because at that very moment Jorge! Leaps before the mirror Jorge! Quails from the blade as it sweeps near Jorge! The king recoils his sword in panic, shrieking "Jorge!" And rends himself from ear to ear Jorge! When you gaze into your mirror Jorge! Tell us what do you see within? Jorge! A humble tradesman who delivered or Jorge! The cold-blooded killer of a king Tradesman who delivered or Killer of a king?