I have been one who loved the wilderness And crept between the mountain peaks I have listened long to the sea's brave music On canyon trails, where the night winds were a'blowin Blowing, sighin gently thru the pines Musing, I walked behind my placid burro While water rushed and broke on the rocks below I sang my songs above the shriek of desert winds Above the shriek of desert winds I sang my songs I have known a green sea's heaving, I have loved the twisted trees Red sand a blowin neath the turquoise skies I have felt the rain a driftin, and slept behind the waterfall And aspen glades that whisper wild sorrows In cool sweet grasses I have lain and I have heard The ghostly murmur of regret I sang my songs above the shriek of desert winds Above the shriek of desert winds I sang my songs I have watched the clouds pile high Singing I rode to meet the storm And fought its fury til the sun fell in darkness And the lightning heard my song Say that I starved, say I's lost and I was weary Say that I was burned and blinded by the sun Say that I was thirsty, sick and cold and lonely But say that I kept to my dream Always shall I be one who loves the wilderness Swaggers soft between the mountain peaks I shall sing my song above the shriek of desert winds Above the shriek of desert winds I shall sing my song