COME ON!!! WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH ME??? COME ON!!! WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH ME??? パルチザンテロリスト並みに遥が頭上の上空に登場する灰色の水銀燈萌えじゃない 俺様はガイキチのカプセルから無限増殖する有象無象の糞どもホルモンごと ぶっ殺すモノホンの鋼鉄のガンスリンガーだ ごちゃごちゃうるせえなあ チンカスバンドどもの生ゴミ以下のアルバムに群がる猿以下の腐ってる耳の持ち主の リスナー諸君へ宣戦布告 COME ON!!! WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH ME??? かの有名な包茎王子とは俺様のことだ 田舎もんの知恵遅れの●●やエディ.Hの 虹野郎、他 終わってる腐ってる糞漏れてる糞臭え糞バンドどもへの最終警告 偏差値の低い八王子の糞バンドに用は無い 9インチのナイフを入力する貴様の膀胱と尿道に川の北できょうだいともども殺し た後で解体した阿呆豚のモーホーのツーダーのツーケーの残骸で死姦してやる 死姦してやる 死姦してやる 死姦してやる Ladies and gentlemen Loony fullshit pussy people Mr. hojo is jerk-off with a porn of corn of death tones No more asshole rimple impo kids' dizzle man's songs Mary lips motherfuckin' shits y'all wait Not again, how much more shits y'all wait? Something I mean I'm just FULLMETAL Uncredible unbreakable guerrilla beats on my hands This death is the last present from GUNSLINGER BOY COME ON!!! WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH ME??? COME ON!!! WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH ME??? Lick a muzzle Rig king pisses disease Fuckin' meat-young-beings Fuckin' nightmares in the cafes of ass tics Gadgets gag them goddammit Not again Maggots and tapeworms are still alive Who realized? Not again, how much more shits y'all wait? Something I mean I'm just FULLMETAL Incredible unbreakable guerrilla beats on my hands This death is the last present from GUNSLINGER BOY んじゃ殺っちゃいますよー Go away, bugs Or We're zappin' you Zap you FUCK!!!!!! Can't you fuckin' say? You wanna say? Call our name If you swear it say (IKD) You can scream louder Can't you fuckin' say? You wanna say? Call our name If you swear it say (IKD) You can scream louder Can't you fuckin' say? You wanna say? Call our name If you swear it say (IKD) You can scream louder Can't you fuckin' say? You wanna say? Call our name If you swear it say IKDSJ REMEMBER!