This warm sensation in your arms How many times will it appease my soul? As far I can see You've always been there for me Oh please lend me your strength I need it to become better I can't imagine what you've done to keep the pieces together This burden you carry brings us nothing but shame You always say 'we get what we settle for' But no one deserves what you went through How could I leave knowing you'll need me as I once did? Always there to set me free out of the void I'm in, you're like an eternal beacon How could I leave and give up on my savior? My present strength is just the image of your own beliefs, I'd give everything to pay my debts Should they blame me? I could not save what I prayed for when I saw the flames I ran away cause it's a game I don't understand This warm sensation in your arms How many times will it appease my soul? You know no matter what they'll say Until the end I'll stay right here with you Keep me safe far away from them Keep me safe huddled together Keep me safe far away from them Keep me safe for the dawn is near